Making New Year Resolutions are a great way to start a new year. If your resolution is to create an Estate Plan to protect yourself and your loved ones, then here are some tips to get started:
1. Make time to educate yourself by consulting with an attorney.
2. Talk to your loved ones about your wishes.
3. Think about your loved ones, they will appreciate estate planning documents that remind them of your wishes and keep your money and property out of Probate Court.
4. Make the time to to create an estate plan that protects you, your loved ones and your assets. Time catches up with everyone. Don't let it catch you unprepared.
Estate planning is about have the proper legal documents in place before they are needed. A Will, Trust, Power of Attorney, Healthcare Directive and Deed. These documents should be customized to your unique goals and family dynamic. Creating a good estate plan is critically important to help avoid Probate Court, to transfer assets quickly, and to reduce or eliminate unnecessary fees and taxes associated with Probate Court.
Help is available. So get ready to check this New Year’s resolution off!